Archives for Health and Wellness

How Much Exercise Should Your Loved One Get?

Keeping your elderly loved ones active is important for their continued health and well-being. Since exercise has been proven to boost the brain and ward off memory problems, it’s especially important those suffering from dementia. Being more active also often increases a person’s energy level, which makes them feel more productive and gives them a more positive attitude. However, you may wonder how much exercise should your loved ones get and what types of exercise is best to avoid injury. To ensure they get enough exercise, you may need to take a more active role in these pursuits. Doctor’s Opinion
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How Many Calories Per Day Should Your Loved One Consume?

When caring for loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s, good nutrition is essential to manage symptoms and optimize their quality of life. It is quite common for patients with these conditions to be at risk for dehydration or malnutrition due to a decreased sense of hunger and thirst. Over time, their tastes may also change, presenting challenges in meal preparation. For these reasons, it is very important to make sure your loved one is well-attended and observed during meal times to make sure he or she has eaten enough. Meeting with a dietician to discuss the foods right for your
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5 Easy to Swallow Shakes that are Packed with Nutrients

When some of the simple things in life such as swallowing are no longer simple, there are alternative solutions than can be of help. Taking nutrition is vital to every person, without regard to physical challenges that may be a part of your life temporarily or for the long term. The good news is that finding alternative things that are easy to swallow and provide good nutrition is easier today than it has ever been. One category of such things are meal replacement or meal substitute shakes and drinks. There are a variety of brands, and even more variety of
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