Archives for General Information

What Is Dementia?

If your parent or other loved one has only recently begun to suffer lapses in memory or moments of impaired judgment, it can be easy to attribute each slip of the tongue or scuffed car bumper to a “senior moment” or other minor blip in an otherwise healthily functioning brain. When this is the case, a formal diagnosis of dementia can hit you like a ton of bricks. What can you do to assist your relative in navigating through this process? Read on to learn more about dementia and what you may be able to expect when dealing with a
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Stages of Dementia

In years past, we assumed that mental decline was a natural consequence of aging. But as medical science has progressed, many of the symptoms associated with mental decline in old age have been linked with specific cognitive disorders. Though it is possible that symptoms can present suddenly, as may be the case after a stroke, it is common for the deterioration to present itself gradually and progress through stages of what doctors call dementia. Contrary to common belief, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are not the same. The term dementia simply refers to decreased memory and cognitive function that impacts one’s
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Signs of Dementia

Throughout our lives, we look toward our parents for guidance, support, and protection. As we stumble and fall, they’re almost always there to pick us up and help us learn our lessons. For people who are lucky enough to have their parents with them during all of life’s major milestones, a painful truth can appear when the tables start to turn, and the child has to become the caretaker. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can cause devastating effects on family and friends. These illnesses often present many signs and symptoms, although individuals who exhibit slow progression may not set off red
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